机构地区: 中国科学院水生生物研究所
出 处: 《水生生物学报》 1998年第3期229-235,共7页
摘 要: 以田间小区试验和大区产量直接对比的方法研究了鱼腥藻提取液对水稻幼苗生长和产量以及产量构成要素的影响,并探讨了方便有效且适宜于大田使用的方法。用藻液处理后水稻幼苗增高,根数、根长增加,分蘖能力增强,秧龄提前,叶面积明显加大。水稻成熟后除株高比对照略有下降外,各项产量构成要素如粒数、粒重、有效分蘖数、植株干重、千粒重、穗长等都优于对照组,但增产幅度随水稻品种和处理方式不同而异。大田使用时以1%鱼腥藻提取液浸种并在二叶一心时进行叶面喷施效果为好。 The influence of Anabaena spp. extract on the seedlings, yield and yield determining factors of rice and different combinations of treatments applicable to open field were investigared by plot tests and large area yield comparison. By pretreatment with algal extract the height of rice seedlings, number and length of roots, as well as tillering ability, were improved, duration in nursery shortened, leaf area increased.After maturity, the yield-determining factors of rice such as number and weight of ripened grains, number of productive tillers, weight per 1000 grains, length of ears,etc., apparently increased as compared to control. The weight of the aerial part of plant also increased in spite of the slight decrease of the plant height. The yield increment varied according to rice cultivars and different treatments. The efficiently and economically appropriate method for field use was seed presoaking plus foliar application at the stage of two and a half leaves with 1% algal extract.