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A Comparative Study on Aluminum Tolerance Between Oryza sativa and O.rufipogon in Gaozhou

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学农学院广东省植物分子育种重点实验室

出  处: 《中国农业科学》 2010年第4期661-669,共9页

摘  要: 【目的】研究栽培稻品种耐铝性及高州普通野生稻耐铝性的特点,明确供试品种中的耐铝品种和铝敏感品种,以及野生稻中的耐铝材料,为定位来自高州普通野生稻的耐铝基因奠定材料基础。【方法】以Al3+浓度为25、50和100μmol·L-1的简单钙溶液处理1d后的苗期种子根或野生稻离蘖茎新生根相对根伸长量(relative root elongation,RRE)的大小评价材料的绝对耐铝性,以各材料的RRE与耐铝性对照品种日本晴的RRE之比作为相对根伸长比衡量材料的相对耐铝性。【结果】供试品种间、不同Al3+浓度、不同处理时间对水稻种子根相对根伸长量RRE的影响均存在显著差异(P<0.0001);综合来看,日本晴、L202、辽粳944和88B等为耐铝品种;以Al3+浓度为50μmol·L-1的简单钙溶液处理1d后的RRE为指标衡量不同基因型材料的耐铝性是可靠的。广东高州普通野生稻种子根在Al3+浓度为50μmol·L-1简单钙溶液处理1d后RRE值表明,材料之间的耐铝性存在极显著差异(P<0.0001)。有55个编号材料的RRE≥0.50,为耐铝性材料。与栽培稻耐铝对照品种日本晴相比较,以50μmol·L-1Al3+浓度的简单钙溶液处理1d后RRE值大于日本晴(RRE=0.6198)的供试野生稻有37个编号(GZW020的RRE最大,为1.8730)。对高州普通野生稻离蘖茎新生根以Al3+浓度为50μmol·L-1溶液处理1d后RRE的比较,发现RRE≥0.50的耐铝性材料有13个。相关性分析表明,相同编号的野生稻其种子根RRE和离蘖茎新生根的RRE之间具有极显著的相关性(R=0.76012,P=0.0041)。认为高州普通野生稻材料蕴藏有耐铝的基因,随后在以栽培稻铝敏感品种华粳籼74为受体、耐铝野生稻GZW087为供体的BC3F2世代19个株系的耐铝性检测中发现2个株系具有耐铝性,表明来自野生稻亲本的耐铝性传递到了回交后代。【结论】水稻品种间耐铝性存在显著差异,广东高州普通野生稻有丰富的耐铝特性,这为定位其耐铝� [Objective] The tolerance of some rice varieties and O.rufipogon in Gaozhou to aluminum was studied. The experimental varieties of Al-tolerant and Al-sensitive ones were distinguished and Al-tolerant accessions of O.rufipogon in Gaozhou were also screened out. The materials for mapping the genes related to Al-tolerance of O.rufipogon in Gaozhou were tested. [Method] In this study, seedling roots of varieties and O.rufipogon accessions or regenerative roots from tillerings of O.rufipogon were treated in 0.5 mmol.L^-1 CaCl2 solution with 25, 50, and 100 μmol.L^-1 Al^3+ for 1 d, the relative root elongation (RRE) was used as a parameter to evaluate the aluminum tolerance. [Result] Relative root elongation (RRE) of experimental rice varieties were significantly affected by genotypes, Al^3+ contents and treatment time (P〈0.0001). Nipponbare, L202, Liaojing944, and 88B wereAl-tolerant varieties. It is the reliable method to evaluate Al-tolerances of different genotypes in rice with the parameter RRE of seedlings which growing in 0.5 mmol.L1 CaCl2 solution with 50μmol.L^-1 Al^3+ for 1 d. Besides, RRE values of 69 accessions of O.rufipogon in Gaozhou were significantly different (P〈0.0001), 55 accessions were Al-tolerant with RRE≥0.50. Compared with Nipponbare, an Al-tolerant control variety, RRE values of 37 accessions were larger than that of Nipponbare (RRE=0.6198) and the largest RRE was 1.8730 of GZW020. Analyzing RRE values of regenerative roots from tillerings of 17 accessions of O.rufipogon in Gaozhou, it showed that 13 accessions were Al-tolerant with RRE≥0.50. Meanwhile, the correlation between RRE value of seedlings and RRE value of tillerings of the same accession was significant (R= 0.76012, P=0.0041). It is considered that some accessions of O.rufipogon in Gaozhou contain Al-tolerant genes. Furthermore, Al-tolerance was detected in 2 lines in BC3F2 generation between Huajingxian 74, an Al-sensitive variety, and GZW087, one of the Al-tolerant accessions of O.rufipogon

关 键 词: 栽培稻 普通野生稻 耐铝性 相对根伸长量

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]



机构 华南农业大学


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林