机构地区: 中国石油天然气集团公司
出 处: 《新疆石油地质》 2010年第1期51-53,共3页
摘 要: 研究油气藏必须涉及到油气藏最重要的2个物理参数:温度和压力,油气藏就是有机质在这2个物理场中演化的最终结果。如果把地下温度和地层压力作为一个系统,那么含油气盆地的地温-地层压力系统基本上属于一种封闭系统,地下温度与压力在一个系统内呈线性关系。准东探区不同地区温压场特征不同:北部地区为低压高温,中部地区为常温常压,南部地区为高压低温。这些温压场的差异是由不同的地质发展演化历史所形成的。研究温压场的分布特征及形成原因,有助于该地区的油气勘探与开发。 There are two important physical parameters for researching reservoir: temperature and pressure. A reservoir is just resulted from organism matter generation and evolution in the fields of temperature and pressure. If regarding the underground temperature and formation pressure as one system, the geotemperature-pressure system in petroliferous basin generally belongs to a closed systm. In Zhundong region (eastern Junggar), there exist different characteristics of temperature and pressure fields in different areas, showing negative pressure and high temperature in north, normal pressure and normal temperature in center and high pressure and low temperature in south. Such differences are formed by different geologic development and evolution history.
领 域: [石油与天然气工程]