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Effect of Gradation Segregation on Resistance of Moisture-induced Damage of Asphalt Mixture

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 长沙理工大学交通运输工程学院道路灾变防治及交通安全教育部工程研究中心

出  处: 《公路交通科技》 2010年第2期10-15,共6页

摘  要: 分别利用级配检验和无核密度仪检测的方法,调查总结了AC-25和AC-13沥青混合料摊铺离析和压实离析的规律。依据该规律设计模拟级配离析和压实离析的混合料,进行了模拟动水压力试验以评价它们的抗水损坏能力。与设计级配AC-13C混合料相比较,模拟摊铺机端部离析和容许级配最粗离析的沥青混合料在动水冲刷3 h,即正负压交替作用1 350次后,25℃劈裂强度损失都超过了30%;当击实功不足时,容许级配最粗离析的沥青混合料在动水冲刷3h后25℃劈裂强度损失48.2%。即使不考虑压实不足,模拟级配粗离析和容许级配最粗离析的AC-13C混合料都显得抗水损坏能力不足。从保证沥青混合料抗水损坏能力的角度建议了沥青混合料生产和现场摊铺阶段的级配控制要求。 The regularities of spreading segregation and compaction segregation of AC-25 and AC-13 asphalt mixtures were investigated according to the results of gradation test and non-nuclear density gauge test. Mixtures of simulated gradation segregation and compaction segregation were designed based on the segregation regularities above to evaluate the resistance of moisture-induced damage with simulated dynamic water pressure test. Compared with splitting test results of target gradation of AC-13 asphalt mixture of maximum coarse gradation segregation allowed showed a splitting strength loss of more than 30% after dynamic water erosion at 25 ℃ for 3 h (after 1 350 positivenegative pressure cycles), so does asphalt mixture of simulated gradation segregation of paver edge. As for inadequately compacted asphalt mixture of maximum coarse gradation segregation allowed, splitting strength lost at 25 ℃ reaches 48.2% after dynamic water erosion for 3 h. Even without consideration of inadequate compaction, neither asphalt mixtures of coarse gradation segregation nor asphalt mixture of simulated gradation segregation of paver edge has sufficient resistance of moisture-induced damage. Finally, suggestions on gradation control in asphalt mixture production and spreading on site from the point of view of keeping mixture moisture stability were given.

关 键 词: 道路工程 模拟离析 动水压力 沥青混合料 抗水损坏能力

领  域: [交通运输工程]


作者 赖兆平


机构 华南理工大学


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