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Types and extent of damage to Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations due to unusually heavy snow and ice in southern China

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; (彭华贵);

机构地区: 华南农业大学林学院

出  处: 《植物生态学报》 2010年第2期195-203,共9页

摘  要: 2008年8月,采用典型取样法,设置20m×30m(或15m×30m)的方形样地13个,对广东省天井山林场杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)人工林冰雪灾害进行调查。结果表明:1)粤北地区杉木人工林受损严重,样地内受害杉木比例高于80%,主要集中在海拔500-900m的地区;2)杉木人工林受损类型主要划分为3种,以折断类型为主(65.09%),其次为倒伏(或翻蔸,18.37%)和弯曲(3.20%)。其中,根据不同程度将折断划分为5个级别:轻微受损,即断稍(占折断总数的12.28%);轻度受损,即树冠顶端至中部断裂(38.49%);中度受损,即树冠中部至下部断裂,受到较严重损伤(31.15%);严重受损,即树冠全部受损(15.97%);极严重受损,即树冠近根部断裂或折断后枯死(2.11%),树冠受损为杉木受灾的主要特征;3)林分密度过高(>3500株·hm-2)或过低(<1500株·hm-2)都易造成杉木折断,坡向与坡位对其影响较小,合理的密度调控至关重要;4)杉木胸径对受损类型及程度的敏感性较高,表现为粗壮杉木易发生断稍和较轻微的树冠受损,细弱杉木虽不易折断,但一经折断则受损严重。适宜的尖削度对有效预防和减轻杉木受损十分重要。 Aims Forest ecosystems were seriously damaged by unusually heavy snow and ice in early 2008 in southern China. Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata), the main timber tree in southern China, was one of the most severely affected species. Our objective was to investigate and assess types and extent of damage to this tree species in plantation stands in northern Guangdong, analyze relationships among site condition, forest structure and damage, and provide a theoretical basis and technical guidance for protecting existing forest resources and restoring damaged forests.Methods The study was conducted in Chinese fir plantation in Tianjingshan forest farm of Guangdong, which was damaged by this snow and ice event. Thirteen plots 20 m × 30 m (or 15 m × 30 m) were placed in typical damaged areas in August 2008. Site factors such as altitude, aspect, slope position and slope steepness were recorded, and forest structure factors such as trunk diameter at breast height (DBH), tree height, crown size, lowest height of living branches, trunk taper (diameter/height) and stand density were measured.Important findings Over 80% of the Chinese fir trees at 500-900 m elevation were damaged. There were three types of damage: crown broken (65.09%), uprooted (18.37%) and trunk bent (3.20%). The crown broken category was divided into five grades corresponding to extent of damage: top broken, crown fracture from the top to the central part, crown fracture from the top to the lower part with serious injury, entire crown broken, trunk broken off near the base or tree death after trunk broken. Plantation density was very important for the resistance of Chinese fir to the snow and ice storms, because trees were more severely broken where stand density was 〉 3 500 per hm^2 or 〈 1 500 per hm^2. DBH was a sensitive index of the type and extent of damage. Stunted trees tended to show mild damage. Trunk taper was an important factor for Chinese fir in the prevention and mitigation of snow and ice damage.

关 键 词: 杉木 受损类型 粤北地区 人工林 冰雪灾害

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [交通运输工程]


作者 刘绮虹


机构 广州大学公共管理学院
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学社会学与人类学学院


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
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