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High-yielding Cultural Techniques of Two-line Hybrid Rice Zhunliangyou 608 Demonstrating in Sanya

作  者: ; ; ; (廖翠猛);

机构地区: 湖南杂交水稻研究中心

出  处: 《湖南农业科学》 2009年第12期33-34,42,共3页

摘  要: 准两优608是湖南隆平种业有限公司选配的籼型两系杂交晚稻组合,为改变该组合在海南热带生态条件下的适应性生产潜力,2008年冬季2009年春在海南省三亚市警备区农场示范种植0.08hm2,经专家现场验收,单产达9.2t/hm2。实践证明该组合适应性强。在当地种植,表现为株型紧凑、株高适中、穗大粒多、分蘖力一般、千粒重较大、后期落色好、抗逆性强、丰产稳产性好。栽培技术中应坚持适时播种、培育壮秧、小苗移栽、配方施肥、科学管水、综合防治病虫害等。 Zhunliangyou 608 is a new indica two-line hybrid late rice combination that was bred by Hunan Longping Industry Co., Ltd.. It had planted 0.08 hm^2 at Sanya garrison command farm from 2008 winter to 2009 spring. The unit yield reached 9.2 t/hm^2, and it was verified by experts in field. This combination has tight plant type, moderate plant height, big panicle with many grains, normal tillering ability, larger kernel weight, great late parachrosis, strong stress resistance and stable fertility. Its cultural techniques are as follows: sowing at a suitable date, breed strong seedlings, seedling transplant, formulated fertilization, scientific water management and integrated control disease and insect pest.

关 键 词: 籼型两系杂交晚稻 准两优 高产示范 栽培技术

领  域: [农业科学]



机构 暨南大学文学院历史学系


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