机构地区: 中国石油化工集团公司
出 处: 《装备制造技术》 2010年第2期143-144,共2页
摘 要: 防滴水阵流阀主要解决在给用户供水的过程中,因滴水不走表而造成的水量损失的现象,主要原理就是把滴水状态下的缓慢流动,变成静止和快速流动相间隔的一阵一阵的间歇流动状态,进而杜绝因流速过慢而造成水表测量不准的现象。 The Drop-Proof Valus is mainly used to solve the phenomenon of water loss that is caused by dripping water without taking record in the process of water supply, which main principle is to change the slow flow of water dripping into a intermittent status that vary from static to fast flow by fits and starts, that can root out the phenomenon of inaccurate measurement of water meters caused by slow flow.
领 域: [建筑科学]