机构地区: 东莞理工学院工商管理学院
出 处: 《华东经济管理》 2010年第1期138-142,共5页
摘 要: 行为财务学理论创新表现在三个方面:理论假设、理论内容和研究方法。在理论假设上,提出了人是有限理性的;情绪因素在企业财务决策中发挥着重要的作用;在理论内容上,提出了财务人的偏好(判断)是不稳定的,新的企业财务决策理论为前景理论;在研究方法上,第一次采用可控实验的研究方法,第一次将心理学的成果应用于财务学的研究。 Innovations of behavioral finance theory been described in three areas: theoretical assumptions, theoretical content and research methods. On assumptions in theory we get: people's rationality is limited; emotional factors plays an important role in corporate financial decision - making. On content in the theory we get : the financial preferences of people ( to judge) is unstable ; new corporate financial decision -making theory - the prospect theory. On research methods, we use controlled experimental research methods for the first time; the results of psychology were applied to the financial research for the first time.