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Parametric analysis and simplified calculating method for diagonal grid structural system

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学建筑学院亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室

出  处: 《建筑结构学报》 2010年第1期70-77,共8页

摘  要: 斜交网格结构体系由斜交成网格状的斜柱组成,同时承受竖向和水平荷载,具有刚度大、抗侧性能好的特点,已成功应用于广州两塔超高层(432m)结构外筒。针对超高层建筑简中简结构中的斜交网格外筒结构,通过结构力学方法推导最优斜交角度,采用三维杆系单元进行结构整体受力分析,得出了斜交角度、平面形状与结构位移、内力的关系曲线和参数变化规律。结果表明:有角柱和无角柱斜交网格结构的最佳斜交角度分别为53°~69°和63°~76°;随着斜交角度的增大,结构竖向刚度增大而抗扭刚度逐渐减小,但抗扭能力依然较好。平面形状对结构抗侧刚度、最佳斜交角度和柱轴力的影响不大;随平面边数的增加,斜柱的剪力和弯矩及梁的轴力均呈下降趋势。最后基于抗侧刚度控制的设计方法建立简化公式,给出了一种估算矩形平面斜交网格结构斜柱截面的方法,为工程设计提供参考。 Diagonal grid ( or diagrid) structural system consists of obliquely intersecting columns in lattice form. Since lateral and vertical loads were both resisted by the diagonal components, diagrid structural system had great lateral stiffness and performance, which had been applied to the exterior tube of the Guangzhou West Tower ( with a height of 432m). For the diagrid exterior tube of tube-in-tube structure used in ultra high-rise buildings, the relationships between the diagonal angles, plan forms, lateral stiffness and internal forces were analyzed by three-dimensional models. The optimal angle of diagonal members and the influence of plan form on structural stiffness were derived from mechanical methods and comparisons of the models. As a result, the optimal angles for diagrid structures with or without corner column are 53° -69° and 63° -76°, respectively. With the increase of the diagonal angle, the axial stiffness increases while the torsional stiffness decreases, yet the structure still exhibits great torsional capacity. Furthermore, the plan form has a slight influence on the lateral stiffness, optimal angle and axial force of columns. However, the shear force and bending moment of columns and the axial force of beams decrease with the increase of side dimension. In addition, according to lateral stiffness-based design method, a simplified calculating method which is applicable for structural design is proposed to estimate the cross-sectional area of diagonal members in structures with square plan.

关 键 词: 斜交网格结构 简化计算方法 有限元法 斜交角度 平面形状

领  域: [建筑科学]




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