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Quality Comparison on the Apocynum venetum Tea Collected in Different Periods

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; (刘起棠);

机构地区: 南京师范大学生命科学学院

出  处: 《安徽农业科学》 2010年第3期1235-1237,共3页

摘  要: [目的]探讨不同生长时期采集的罗布麻茶主要成分和品质的变化规律,确定罗布麻茶原叶最佳采摘时间。[方法]以新疆阿勒泰地区2008年6~9月采集的罗布麻原叶制成的保健茶为材料,检测并比较不同时期采集的罗布麻茶的品质差异。[结果]就绿叶而言,6月罗布麻茶样的无机与有机物质含量均不占优势;7月茶样的有机物质含量,尤其是游离氨基酸含量最高;8月茶样的有益矿质元素含量和抗氧化能力均最高、与绿叶相比,9月金黄叶的水浸提物含量、总黄酮含量和体外清除·OH和DPPH自由基的能力均显著高于绿叶。[结论]7~8月是罗布麻茶绿叶采摘的最佳时期,而9月的金黄叶则可以制成茶汤浓厚、抗氧化能力强的金茶。 [ Objective ] The aim was to analyze the change law on chemical composition and quality of Apo(Tnum venetum Tea collected in different growth periods and determine the best-picking time for raw materials. [ Method] With the healthy tea, which was made by A. venetum raw leaves collected in Ahay Xinjiang from June to September in 2008, as the materials, the quality ofA. venetum Tea picked in different periods were detected and compared. [ Result] As for the green leaves, the inorganic and organic material contents in A. venetum Tea samples picked in June were not high ; the organic material contents of tea samples picked in July, especially the content of free amino acids was the highest ; the beneficial mineral elements contents and antioxidant capacities of tea samples picked in August were the highest. Compared with the green leaves, the contents of water extract and the total flavonoids and the elimination abilities on free radicals of · OH and DPPH in yellow leaves picked in September were obviously higher than that in green leaves. [ Conelusion]The optimum picking time for green leaves of A. venetum Tea was in July and August; and the golden leaves collected in September could be made into golden tea with dense infusion and strong antioxidant ability.

关 键 词: 罗布麻茶 品质比较 不同时期 采集

领  域: [生物学]




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