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Sensitivity Analysis of Strength Reliability of Semi-Rigid Steel Frame to Random Variables

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 北京工业大学建筑工程学院

出  处: 《河南科学》 2010年第1期54-58,共5页

摘  要: 将梯度优化法与有限元法相结合,研究了结构失效模式可靠度对随机变量的敏感性,并用PNET法分析了结构系统强度可靠度对随机变量的敏感性.通过算例,分析刚接和半刚接钢框架系统强度可靠度对多个随机变量的敏感性,结果表明:结构系统强度可靠度对梁柱截面抗弯弯矩和部分荷载的均值和变异系数敏感性显著,对梁长和柱高的变异系数敏感性较小;半刚接结构的强度可靠度对半刚性连接极限弯矩的均值和变异系数较为敏感,特别当其变异系数较大时,结构的系统可靠度对其取值尤为敏感. Gradient optimization method is combined with finite element method in the paper. Sensitivity of reliability of structural failure modes to random variables is studied and the PNET method is adopted to analysis sensitivity of system strength reliability to random variables. By example, sensitivity of system strength reliability of the fully- rigid and semi-rigid steel frame to several random variables is analyzed. The results show that sensitivity of system strength reliability to mean value and variation coefficient of bending resistance of the members and partial loads is remarkable and variation coefficient of the members length is little remarkable and that system strength of the semi-rigid frame is more sensitive to mean value and variation coefficient of bending resistance reliability of joints,especially when its variation coefficient is large.

关 键 词: 半刚性节点 钢框架 系统强度可靠性 敏感性分析

领  域: [建筑科学] [建筑科学]




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