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Review of Agricultural Non-point Pollution in Taihu Lake and Taihu Basin

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院研究生院

出  处: 《中国人口·资源与环境》 2010年第1期99-107,共9页

摘  要: 太湖及其流域的水环境质量呈现严重恶化趋势,农业面源污染是太湖流域水体环境恶化的主要原因之一。论文通过文献分析,总结了太湖流域农业面源污染的影响因素、相应的治理措施以及农业面源污染控制的特点。结果表明:①虽然太湖流域典型区域的面源污染影响及排污系数的研究较多,但是着眼于太湖流域整体的农业面源污染负荷总量的研究并没有明确答案;②农业面源污染的治理技术研究较多,但将这些自然科学成果应用到实际的管理实践中的政策研究较少;③对农田面源污染的研究较多,对畜禽渔业养殖废弃物处理的研究比较薄弱,并且两者没有很好地结合起来进行研究;④虽然已经有了一些关于农业面源污染控制管理的讨论,但缺乏管理实施标准的研究;⑤围绕农业面源污染治理的主要手段都与农户行为有关,例如土地利用方式、耕作方式等,但现在很少有从环境污染主体即农户行为的角度去研究如何减少环境污染。 The water quality is in a deteriorating trend in the Taihu Lake and Taihu Basin, and the agricultural non-point pollution contributes a lot to it. According to the literature reviewed, the article analyzes the cause of non-point pollution and the corresponding measures. It shows that: (1)Although there has been a lot of literature about impact and reason of the non-point pollution in typical regions, there is still not a definite answer to how much the agricultural non-point pollution load in Taihu Basinis. (2) A lot of re,arches have been made on tile appropriate technology to abate the non-point pollution, but there is still lack of researches on control and economic policy based on those natural scientific outcomes. (3)A lot of researches have been made about farmland pollution, but there is still lack of study on treatment and resource utilization of excrement in breeding industry, and lack of the combination of the both sides to treat the pollution. (4) A lot of discussions were focused on the management and control about the non-point pollution, but there is still lack of researches about the implementing standard. (5) The major measures to treat non-point pollution having a close relation to household activity, however, there is few household activity-oriented researches on the pollution abatement.

关 键 词: 农业面源污染 农业面源污染控制 农业面源污染研究综述 农业面源污染控制政策

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 孙大元
作者 席利卿
作者 张雪芸
作者 谢湜
作者 小田


机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学人文学院
机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系
机构 仲恺农业工程学院经贸学院
机构 华南农业大学农学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟