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Red edge parameters of winter wheat canopy under different nitrogen levels

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所

出  处: 《植物营养与肥料学报》 2009年第6期1317-1323,共7页

摘  要: 利用FieldSpec Pro FR2500光谱仪测定了不同氮素处理冬小麦冠层光谱,分析其红边特征变化规律及其与农学成分的相关关系。结果表明,波长550 nm6、80 nm9、80 nm1、100 nm与3506-80 nm和7501-100 nm可作为氮素营养诊断的敏感特征点与波段范围。随着施氮量的提高,拔节期、抽穗期以及灌浆期的红边位置(REP)、红谷位置(Lo)与光谱反射率一阶微分极大值(FD-Max)均增大,红边宽度(Lwidth)则有减小的趋势。总体上看,施氮与无氮处理在整个生育期均存在较大差异,施氮处理之间差异较小。冠层反射光谱的红边位置、红谷位置随生育期向长波方向移动,呈现“红移”现象;从抽穗期开始逐渐减小,呈现“蓝移”现象。冬小麦红边参数中红边位置与农学组分之间的相关性优于其他参数,除与地上部生物量正相关显著外,与叶面积指数、叶含水率、叶绿素含量、叶可溶性蛋白含量、叶鲜重、叶含氮量均呈正相关且达到极显著水平。红谷位置则与叶面积指数、叶含水率、叶绿素含量、叶鲜重以及SPAD值呈极显著正相关,与可溶性蛋白呈显著正相关。红边宽度与叶面积指数、叶含水率、叶氮含量、叶绿素含量以及叶鲜重均呈极显著正相关,与可溶性蛋白含量呈显著正相关。反射率一阶导数极大值与叶面积指数、叶含水率、叶鲜重呈极显著正相关,与叶含氮量极显著负相关。通过红边参数与农学组分稳定良好的数学关系,可以对农学组分进行预测估算。 The red edge characteristics of winter wheat canopy at different nitrogen levels and growth periods, and their relationships with agronomic components were studied by the measurement of canopy spectra using Field Spec Pro FR2500. The results show that significant differences of canopy spectra are found at 550 nm, 680 nm, 980 nm and 1100 nm, 350 - 680 nm, 750 - 1100 nm, which can be used as the wave bands for nutrition diagnostic of the crop. The red edge position (REP), Location of minimum chlorophyll absorption (Lo) and max of first derivative of reflectance (FD_ Max) inerease with more nitrogen application during jointing, booting and filling stages, while, the red edge width (Lwidth) decreases. On the whole, little differences are found between the different nitrogen application treatments, but the differences between the fertilizer application and no nitrogen application are quite different. With the growth of winter wheat, REP and Lo move toward longer wavelength, presenting the red shift, while they move to short wavelength from the booting stage, presenting the blue shift. The correlations between REP and agronomic components are better than those between the other red edge parameters and agronomic components. Except aboveground fresh biomass, there are significant correlations between the REP and leaf area index (LAI) , leaf water content (LWC), chlorophyll (CHI), leaf soluble prntein (LP), leaf fresh biomass (LB) and leaf nitrogen content (LN). There are significantly positive correlations between Lo and LAI, LWC, CH1, LB, SPAD readings and soluble protein, and the correlations between Lwidth and LAI, LWC, LN, CH1, LB, and soluble protein are significantly positive. There are significantly positive correlations between FD-Max and LAI, LWC and LB as well, while the correlation between FD-Max and LN is significantly negative. The mathematical relationships of red edge parameters and agronomic components can be helpful for the estimation of the agronomic parameters.

关 键 词: 冬小麦 冠层 氮水平 红边参数

领  域: [农业科学]




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