机构地区: 河南科技大学规划与建筑工程学院
出 处: 《河南科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 2009年第6期71-74,共4页
摘 要: 采用均匀设计法对粉煤灰秸秆复合材料的配合比进行了试验研究,并对材料的抗劈裂和抗折试验数据进行二元非线性回归分析。研究表明,粉煤灰秸秆复合材料的抗劈裂破坏峰值随着粉煤灰和秸秆含量参数的增加而逐渐减小,说明应该添加适当的外加剂,增强材料内部的粘结能力;材料的抗折强度随着秸秆含量参数的增加而降低,因此必须把秸秆含量参数控制在一定范围之内,使材料的试验性能达到良好状态。当粉煤灰、秸秆配比为45%和6%时,材料达到最大抗劈裂破坏峰值;当粉煤灰、秸秆配比为60%和6%时,材料达到最大抗折强度。 Some experimental researches are made in this paper on the compound material of fly-ash and straw by uniform design method.The data of splitting and bending test are analyzed by binary non-linear recursive analysis.The researches point out that the splitting failure peak value of the compound material will decrease with increasing the two parameters of fly-ash and straw.Therefore,adding adequate admixture will enhance the bonding ability in materials.The bending strength of the materials will decrease with increasing the parameter of straw.According to the practical engineering,the parameter of straw must be controlled in a certain scope.When the ratios of fly-ash and straw is 45% and 6% respectively,the material achieves maximal splitting failure peak value.When the ratios of fly-ash and straw is 60% and 6% respectively,the material achieves maximal bending strength.
关 键 词: 粉煤灰 均匀设计法 非线性回归分析 抗劈裂破坏峰值 抗折强度
领 域: [建筑科学]