机构地区: 广州城市职业学院旅游与公共管理学院
出 处: 《广州城市职业学院学报》 2009年第4期14-18,35,共6页
摘 要: 溯源"国学"的历时性内涵及反思其兴衰的时代背景,具有总结文化历史、着眼社会发展的重要价值。《城市国学讲坛(第二辑)》对国学内涵进行全面阐释的基础上,将国学教育纳入到现代化的语境中,探索出了一条职业教育与人文教育并行不悖的教育方式;同时,基于对国学教育规律的把握,该著以国学的现代化进程为观照,主张打破学科、专业的限制,推进国学教育与职业教育的互相促进、双向契合。 Through tracing the diachronical connotation of "Classical Chinese Studies" (CCS) and reflecting on the time background of its ups and downs, the great value of summarizing cultural history, and facilitating social development is thus achieved. City Forum of Classcial Chinese Studies ( Vol. 2 ), based on a complete explanation of CCS' connotation, brings CCS into a context of modernization, and explores an educational approach encompassing both vocational education and humanities education. Mean while, based on the principles of CCS education, this work takes the modernization process of CCS as a reference, and proposes to transcend the restraints of discipline and program, and promote the mutual advancement and bilateral compatibility between CCS ed ucation and vocational education.
领 域: [文化科学]