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Hydrological effects of forest litters and soil in Wuling mountain

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; (冯学全);

机构地区: 河北农业大学

出  处: 《生态环境学报》 2009年第6期2316-2320,共5页

摘  要: 通过标准地调查、枯落物持水能力测定、土壤物理性质及持水能力测定和入渗实验对雾灵山5种林分类型枯落物和土壤水文效应做了初步研究,结果表明:1)华北落叶松林(Larix principic-rupprechtii)枯落物储量最大,为45.73t·hm-2;核桃楸林(Juglans mandshurica)最大持水量最高,为118.73t·hm-2,相当于11.87mm的水深;华北落叶松林有效持水量最大,为112.68t·hm-2,相当于11.27mm的水深。2)5种不同林分类型土壤层持水能力相差很大,山杨林(Populus davidiana)的有效持水量最大,为122.80t·hm-2,相当于12.28mm的水深,利用幂函数对土壤入渗速率与入渗时间进行拟合,结果显示相关系数都在0.94以上。 A pilot study of hydrological effects of litters layer and soil layer was carried out in five kinds of forest stands in Wuling mountain, through investigating standard spots、determining litter water-holding capacity、determining soil physical characteristics and water-holding capacity,and experimenting on soil infiltration,the result shows: 1)The litter total storage capacity of L arix principis-rupprechtii is the largest to 45.73 t·hm^-2; the maximum water capacity of Manchurian walnut is the largest to 118.7 t·hm^-2, equivalent to the depth water of 11.87 mm; the available water capacity of L arix principis-rupprechtii is the largest to112.68 t·hm^-2, equivalent to the depth of 11.27 mm water. 2) The soil water-holding capacity of five kinds of different forest types differ greatly,the available water capacity of Asian white birch is the largest to 122.80 t·hm^-2, equivalent to the depth water of 12.28mm.using power function of infiltration rate and infiltration fitting time,the correlation coefficient was above 0.94.

关 键 词: 枯落物 土壤物理性质 水文效应

领  域: [生物学]




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