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Kinship Analysis of One Broodstock Population of Large Yellow Croaker Pseudosciaena crocea

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (徐万土);

机构地区: 中国水产科学研究院黑龙江水产研究所

出  处: 《Zoological Research》 2009年第6期620-626,共7页

摘  要: 该文利用23个微卫星标记对103尾大黄鱼繁育亲本进行遗传多样性检测和亲缘关系重建分析,并构建繁育体系指导大黄鱼配组。遗传多样性检测显示,103尾亲鱼在23个座位共获得等位基因数134个,平均5.82个,总平均观察杂合度0.5993,表明该繁育群体尚保持一定水平的遗传多样性。采用似然率和组合优化法统计模型重建的同胞关系不尽相同,但结果均证实了这些繁育亲本亲缘关系十分相近。配组比对分析结果显示,两种方法的配组方案一致性高达85%,最终选择组合优化法的分组方案指导大黄鱼配组繁育。 Present broodstocks of large yellow croaker are borne from extremely small numbers of base population. Thus, it is necessary to analyze kinship of broodstoeks in order to avoid inbreeding that will bring out the reduction of individual survival and growth. This paper reports kinship reconstruction and genetic diversity in 103 broodstocks of large yellow croaker by utilizing 23 microsatellite markers. Genetic diversities of 103 croakers at 23 loci pronounce that there are 134 alleles in total and an average of 5.82, and the observed average heterozygosity of 0.5993, demonstrating that these broodstocks still maintain genetic variability to some extent. The results of sibling groups reconstructed are not identical using two methods of Likelihood and 2-allele recombinatorial optimization. However, the evidence of close relationship between broodstocks is confirmed. The mating combinations are compared between these two methods, as a result of 85% identity and a final selection of 2-allele method. This study aims at finding a better way to avoid inbreeding occurred in broodstocks, and facilitating the aquaculture market of large yellow croaker, meanwhile, offering methods and statistical models to artificial propagation in other marine fish species.

关 键 词: 大黄鱼 微卫星标记 亲缘关系 近交

领  域: [生物学] [生物学]


作者 梁金荣
作者 马燕菁
作者 陆慧菁
作者 何善安


机构 香港中文大学
机构 五邑大学管理学院
机构 暨南大学文学院中国语言文学系
机构 中山大学社会学与人类学学院
机构 中山大学社会学与人类学学院社会科学系


作者 丁培强
作者 徐松林
作者 徐枫
作者 陈光慧
作者 孙有发