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Discussion on Ecological Protection and Balanced Development of Productions of Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Cropping in Yili Prefecture:A case study on Chabuchaer County

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所

出  处: 《资源科学》 2009年第12期2035-2041,共7页

摘  要: 本文分析了察布查尔县的自然条件、农林牧业发展现状及其主要问题,探讨了察布查尔县土地开垦和灌区扩大对生态环境和农林牧业生产的影响。文章指出,察布查尔县种植业的发展速度明显快于林业和畜牧业,造成了区域产业结构的失调,并对地区生态安全构成了威胁。针对这些问题,认为:①应大力发展农区畜牧业,充分利用农副产品和扩大饲草种植,减轻草场的压力,保护好生态环境,形成生态的良性循环;②灌区扩大可以改善农田水分条件、增加植被覆盖度、减少盐碱危害。但不合理的灌溉也会引起盐渍化、沼泽化、土地沙化和水土流失等问题。因此,应该建立完善的灌排体系,采用先进的灌溉技术,减轻对环境的危害;③应该将扩大灌溉面积与中低产田改造结合起来,加强配套基础设施的建设,提高灌区内现有农田的生产力。 The authors discussed possible impacts of reclamation and irrigated area expansion on ecological environment and productions of forestry,animal husbandry and cropping in Chabuchaer County,on the basis of examining natural conditions,current situations and problems of the productions of forestry,animal husbandry and cropping in this county.Chabuchaer County is located in the western part of the Yili River Valley,ranging in latitude between 43°17'N-43°57'N and longitude between 80°31'E-81°43'E,with a total area of 4434km2.Elevations decrease from the south to the north,showing a difference in elevation of 3181 m.The changes in landforms make natural conditions in this county vary markedly.Its natural conditions and land uses are representative of Yili Prefecture.Five types of landforms can basically be classified in Chabuchaer County,i.e.,mountains,hills,alluvial plain,terraces and flood land.The climate over the mountainous area is cold and moist,being suitable for forests and animal husbandry.The hills are suitable for cropping,animal husbandry and fruits,due to a limitation in water resources.The alluvial plain,for the sake of water shortage and relatively thin soil lays,is also suitable for cropping and animal husbandry.The terraces are generally suitable for cropping,forests and animal husbandry,determined by the dry climate.The flood land is suitable for forests and animal husbandry,showing a limiting factor of floods and water-logging.It was indicated that the development of cropping is much faster than that of the productions of forestry and animal husbandry.Forests in this county have a variety of functions on ecological protection.To that end,soil erosion and decline of water resource quantity would occur once forests on mountains were destroyed.Artificial afforestation and preservation of existing forest resources are thus substantially critical for ecological integrity and biodiversity in this county.Meanwhile,animal husbandry in the cropping area should be developed to largely alleviate the

关 键 词: 察布查尔县 农林牧业平衡发展 生态保护 灌区

领  域: [环境科学与工程] [农业科学]


作者 郭世平
作者 杨宏伟
作者 朱建军
作者 袁志丽
作者 徐印州


机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学国际学院东南亚研究所
机构 华南师范大学


作者 刘小玲
作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 覃剑