作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院
出 处: 《科技信息》 2009年第33期I0140-I0140,I0145,共2页
摘 要: 学术界关于学术论文写作的标准的争论可谓五花八门,没有一个统一、合适的标准,这也就使刚刚进入学术研究阶段的同仁不知所措,难以选择。本文作者通过对《领有名词的提升移位与多项名词性结构的切分方向》这篇论文的评判,化抽象为具体,从而摸索出一些学术论文写作的具体实用标准。 The standard for writing the academic paper has been a hot topic, and there is no consensus about it. Therefore,it poses a great difficulty for those who have just stepped into the threshold of academic circle. In consideration of this problem, the author of this paper intended to find some concrete and useful standards for the academic novices in this paper, in the wake of analyzing the paper the IC Analysis of Complex NPs in Chinese.