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The Paradox of Positive Non-Interventionism:Housing,Social Policy and Development in Post-Colonial Hong Kong

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 香港理工大学

出  处: 《公共行政评论》 2009年第6期1-25,共25页

摘  要: 香港政府经常用"积极不干预主义"为其公共政策进行辩护,它表明了政府在社会、经济发展中仅扮演提供基本法律和制度的角色,其他事务都交由市场处理。然而在社会政策领域里却呈现出一幅迥异的图景,香港政府对卫生、教育和住房领域宏观层次的干预比许多西方国家更为突出。论文选取香港住房政策为例,试图阐释在香港的特殊背景下政府干预住房领域的实质意义及其存在的问题。论文认为,处于全球化时代的香港应选择创新的、更加中立的住房政策;其政府应扩大住房政策的社会政策基础,将其作为新的发展战略。此外,检视香港住房问题既可以为理解住房与社会政策之间的联系提供新视角,也有助于在东亚背景下更完整地了解发展型社会政策的实质。 An interesting concept widely used to justify public policy by the Hong Kong government concerns the idea of‘positive non-interventionism'.Within it the role of the government is stressed as confining to the mere provision of the legal and regulatory infrastructure which underpins free and fair market.Everything else should then be provided through the market with little or no state interference.As a guiding principle of economic development and governance,social welfare is restricted and limited to helping the poorest social strata through the provision of a bare minimum.However,this seemingly residual welfare picture of Hong Kong is in fact gravely misleading.While the rhetoric of social welfare looks extremely conservative,the state of social policy in its broader meaning reveals a very different picture.The level of macro level social policy interventions in health,education and housing in Hong Kong is in fact considerably higher than many western industrial economies such as US,particularly in the case of public housing.Taking housing policy as a focal analysis,this paper looks at the contradictions between intervention versus non-intervention strategies in the case of Hong Kong and suggests that housing plays a rather unique role in both development and social policy.Examining the Hong Kong case also throws light into better understanding the link between housing and social policy,as well as moving closer to a fuller grasp of the nature of developmental social policy within the East Asian context.

关 键 词: 香港 住房政策 社会政策 积极不干预主义

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 朱亚鹏
作者 王卓祺
作者 赖新环
作者 邹伟良
作者 普会霞


机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院
机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 香港中文大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚