机构地区: 华南农业大学园艺系
出 处: 《华南农业大学学报》 1998年第3期31-35,共5页
摘 要: 荔枝巢蛾(ComoritisalbicapilaMoriuti)是国内近年发现危害荔枝的新害虫,此虫在广州每年发生1代,跨年完成,以高龄幼虫在寄主枝干表皮被害处越冬4月中旬到5月中旬为越冬后幼虫的化蛹期,在25~30℃、相对湿度为65%~80%的室内条件下,蛹期为8~15d;5月上旬成虫始见,交尾后产卵于树表皮,成虫期为2~10d,卵期为6~12d;幼虫以树皮为食,整个幼虫期长达320~340d每年9月至11月为幼虫取食危害的高峰期文章记述了荔枝巢蛾各虫期的主要形态特征、危害特点、生活习性、发生规律,并提出防治方法值得特别指出:室内研究清楚显示。 An injurious insect of Litchi tree, Comoritis albicapilla Moriuti., was recently discovered in South China. In Guangzhou this insect had one generation yearly. Its mature larvae hibernated at the infected bark of the host plant. After hibernation, the insect pupated from April to May, the pupal stage varied from 8~15 days at 25~30 ℃ and relative humidity 65%~80% in the laboratory. The adults emerged at the beginning of May lasting a period of 4~10 days. The adults laid eggs on the surface of the tree bark. The egg stage lasted 6~12 days. The larvae fed on the bark of the Litchi tree. This feeding process of the larvae reached the climax from September to November. The whole larval stage lasted 320~340 days. This paper also described the morphology, life history, habits and the developmental situation of this insect. Some effective methods of its control were also suggested. It should be particularly mentioned that the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae A24 was highly effective in controlling the insect as demonstrated by the result of our laboratory research.