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Present Situation and Prospect on Vertical Virescence in Guangzhou City

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学林学院

出  处: 《广东园林》 2009年第6期41-45,共5页

摘  要: 为了解广州市垂直绿化现状和未来发展提供依据,对广州市代表性校园、公园、交通干道和立交桥以及住宅小区4类环境41处场所的垂直绿化现状进行了调查,共记录了垂直绿化植物40科63属66种,其中藤本植物30种;一种植物多种绿化方式和一种绿化方式使用多种绿化植物比较常见。按使用频率和生长良好状况排列,高校以五爪金龙(Ipomoea cairica)最多,其次是蟛蜞菊(Wedelia trilobata)、簕杜鹃(Bougainvillea spectabilis)和爬山虎(Parthenocissus tricuspidata);公园为大花老鸦嘴(Thunbergia grandiflora)、使君子(Quisqualis indica)、云南黄素馨(Jasminum mesnyi)、软枝黄婵(Allamanda catharitica)、簕杜鹃和地被植物合果芋(Syngonium podophyllum)及蟛蜞菊等;立交桥、人行天桥和高架桥以簕杜鹃为主,生长状况也都较好;住宅小区虽然使用簕杜鹃频率较高,但生长状况差别较大。结果表明,广州市现在垂直绿化常用的植物种类以藤本为主,新品种较少,但是后备植物资源丰富,需要加强对具有抗大气污染、耐高温干旱、可富集重金属等性状品种的选育工作。广州市垂直绿化在整体绿化中所占比例不高,而且应用场所、布局形式和植物应用种类单调,需要加快有关垂直绿化技术的研究和推广。影响垂直绿化的主要因素是地形、人文环境和政策环境,需要调整政策引导和加强宣传力度。 The present situation and prospect of vertical virescence in Guangzhou of representative fourty-one sites, including the parks, the main roads and bridges, the residential areas and campuses, were surveyed. The results showed that 66 species, belonging to 63 genera in 40 families, 30 species of which were liane. It was quite common that a species for various vertical virescence means and a kind of vertical virescence involving multi-species. Based on frequency and growth status, the top four species were lpomoea cairica, Wedelia trilobata, Bougainvillea spectabilis and Parthenocissus tricuspidata in university, campuses. Thunbergia grandittora, O._uisqualis indica, Allamanda catharitica, B. spectabilis, Syngonium podophyllum and W. trilobata were used more frequently than other species in parks. B. spectabilis was predominant in the main roads and bridges, and grew well but not in residential areas. Consequently, the vertical virescence species were commonly liana and few new varieties, but the reserve plant resources are rich. The breeding of the anti-air pollution, heavy metals enrichment varieties are urgently required. The vertical virescence is not enough in the proportion of overall green and the layout of plants is monotonous. Therefore, it is necessary to accelerate the steps of vertical virescence technology research and extension work. The major effect factors on vertical virescence are landform, cultural and policy environment. Some policies and propagation are required.

关 键 词: 垂直绿化 植物调查 广州市

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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