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Dust aerosol concentration and its transportation characteristics in Inner Mongolia:a case study of Zhurihe in spring

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 南京信息工程大学大气科学学院大气物理与大气环境重点实验室

出  处: 《自然灾害学报》 2009年第6期44-51,共8页

摘  要: 利用WPS宽范围粒径谱仪对朱日和春季0.01-10μm的沙尘气溶胶观测资料,以及20m梯度塔气象要素资料,对沙尘天气日和非沙尘天气日的气溶胶浓度、谱分布以及输送特性进行了个例研究。结果表明:沙尘气溶胶浓度有明显的目变化特征,不同粒径段粒子的变化特征有所不同;沙尘气溶胶浓度在沙尘天气和非沙尘天气存在较大差别,粒径越大,这种差别越明显;气象要素对沙尘气溶胶浓度的分布有较大的影响,风速、气温、相对湿度与不同粒径段粒子的相关性不同;沙尘暴过程对不同粒径段粒子的输送特性不同,不同粒径段对应的输送距离和输送量有较大差别。 Utilizing the observation data of dust aerosol which has been measured by WPS particles spectrometer in the northwest of Ongin Daga Sandland of the Inner Monoglia Autonomous Region of China in spring in 2006, and with the meteorological observation data, the characteristics of number concentration, spectral distribution and transportation in sandy weather were analyzed and discussed. The results show that : ( 1 ) The daily change characteristics of different grain size dust aerosols are significant with two peak time intervals at about sunrise and sunset periods. For 0.01 -0. 02μm and 0.02 -0. 1μm grain size particles, there is also a peak change at the noon. For the 0.1 -1.0μm and 1.0 -10μm grain size particles, the peak change in sandy weather is larger than non-sandy weather. (2) The number concentration of 0.01 -0.02μm grain size particle in sandy weather is less than that in non-sandy weather. The number concentration of 0.02 - 0. 1μm, 0.1 - 1.0μm and 1.0 - 10μm are larger than that in non-sandy weather. (3)Meteorological factors show significant influefice on the.number concentration distribution of dust aerosol. The correlations between wind speed/air temperature/relative humidity and particles with different grain size intervals are dissimiar. (4)Dust storm process shows different transport distances and amounts for various intervals of grain size.

关 键 词: 沙尘 数浓度 谱分布 输送 内蒙古

领  域: [天文地球]


作者 马晶晶
作者 黎家玲
作者 吴怡洁
作者 周佳明
作者 吴杭


机构 华南师范大学地理科学学院
机构 中山大学
机构 广东培正学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 汕头大学


作者 徐锦堂
作者 张祖荣
作者 曲进
作者 黄霓
作者 林平凡