作 者: ;
机构地区: 韶关学院法学院
出 处: 《山西省政法管理干部学院学报》 2010年第1期18-20,共3页
摘 要: 传统行政法理论下,行政权的正当性源于立法权的民主正当性。为了适应新的形势下行政法治发展的需要,行政权正当性理论发生了变迁,推动了行政法理论和实践的发展,对行政法治具有重要法治意义。 The theory of legitimacy of the executive power Originated from the democratic legitimacy of the Legislative power under the traditional theory of administrative law. In order to adapt to new development of the rule of law of administrative law, the theory of legitimacy of the executive power have changed. Executive power is the theory core of administrative law, changes of the theory of the legitimacy of the executive power promote development of theory and practice of administrative law, which is of important significance to the rule of law of administrative law.