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The Functor ()°of Dual Comodules and Coreflexive Comodules

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学理学院数学与应用数学系

出  处: 《数学学报(中文版)》 1998年第6期1283-1288,共6页

摘  要: 本文给出对偶余模M°的结构刻划及()°作为逆变函子的左正合性.同时引入余反射余模描述余反射余代数,由此研究余反射余代数的同调性质,证明当char(F)=0时,F[x1,...,xn]°上的Serre猜测是成立的,即F[x1,...,xn]°的有限余生成内射余模均为余自由的. In this paper we show the structure of dual comodule M0. We proof that the contravariant functor ()° is left exactness. We also introduce the coreflexive comodule to investigate the coreflexive coalgebras. Then we study some homological properties for corefiexive coalgebras. Finally let char (F) = 0 and C = F[x1, x2,...,xn]°, we show that every finitely cogenerated injective right C-comodules in cofree.

关 键 词: 余反射余模 余反射余代数 对偶余模函数 余代数

领  域: [理学] [理学]




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