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Strategy of enhancement and release in middle and lower reaches of Pearl River

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国水产科学研究院珠江水产研究所

出  处: 《中国渔业经济》 2009年第6期94-100,共7页

摘  要: 本文在近年珠江中下游的渔业资源调查数据的基础上,根据鱼类群落演变趋势探讨了珠江中下游鱼类增殖放流策略。结果表明:青、草鱼,鲢、鳙、倒刺鲃、光倒刺鲃、卷口鱼、珠江长臀鮠、斑鱯和南方白甲鱼等应该作为增殖放流的主要品种;次要考虑鳊、鲴、鲤、海南红鲌和广东鲂;一般考虑种类为鲮、赤眼鳟;鳡、鳤、斑鳜、大眼鳜及外来种不必或不能作为增殖放流种类。此外,对珠江水系珍稀、特有鱼类建议有必要研究其繁殖技术,建立原种苗种生产基地,增加增殖放流种类,保证增殖放流的苗种需求。不同类型的水域增殖放流时,要结合实际情况考虑放流种类,应该做好增殖放流的效果评估,根据评估结果进一步制定相关的策略与实施方案。 This paper discussed the strategies on enhancement and release in middle and lower reaches of Pearl River, based on fishery resource investigation information and fish assemblage succession. The result showed that the main release species should include Black Carp; Grass Carp, Sliver Carp, Big Head, Spninibarbus denticulatus denticulatus, Spinibarbus hollandi, Ptychidio jordani, Cranoglanis bouderius, Mystus guttatus and Onychosotoma gerlachi. The secondary species should release bream, Xenocypris, Common Carp, Erythroculter pseudobrevicauda and Megalobrama hoffmanni, and then Mud Carp and Squaliobarbus curriculus. Some fishes needn't or don't be as the release species, such as Elopichthys bambusa, Ochetobibus elongates, Siniperca scherzeri and Siniperca kneri. In addition, it was necessary for study propagate technique of rare or endemic species, building fish seedling production bases for release needs. Release species were determined according to water areas. The impact on fish enhancement and release should be estimated for service for release strategies and scheme decision.

关 键 词: 珠江 增殖放流 策略

领  域: [经济管理]




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作者 张丽娟