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Sound power level measurement of the Chinese traditional plucked three stringed instrument-Big Sanxian

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学建筑学院亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室

出  处: 《声学技术》 2009年第5期629-633,共5页

摘  要: 大三弦是中国具有悠久历史的主要弹弦乐器之一。但是迄今为止,对其声功率尚未按测试标准予以科学地测定。介绍了在混响室内参照ISO标准和国家标准对大三弦声功率的测量研究工作。由两位资深乐师用两把不同的大三弦在混响室中分别以pp、mp、f、ff四种力度演奏三个代表性的单音G、g与g1,音阶和乐曲,采用4通道实时分析技术测量大三弦1/3倍频带声压级,通过平均、计算,获得大三弦在不同演奏力度下演奏不同内容时的典型平均声功率级和动态范围,并建议采用大三弦在f力度下演奏音阶时的平均声功率级作为其声功率级的代表数值。 Big Sanxian is one of Chinese traditional plucked three stringed instruments. But up to now, its sound power level (SWL) has not been determined. In this study, sound power measurements of the Big Sanxian are performed in a reverberation chamber according to ISO standard and Chinese national standard. Two qualified musicians play two different Big Sanxians in the chamber, while the sound pressure IeveIs of 1/3 octave bands are recorded and analyzed by means of 4-channel real-time analysis. Typical values of the radiated sound power levels of Big Sanxian are obtained through averaging, when three representative single notes G, g and g^1, a music scale and a folk song are performed at four dynamic levels (pp, mp, fandff) respectively. The forte sound power level of performing a scale is suggested as the most representative value of the sound power of the Big Sanxian instrument.

关 键 词: 声功率级 大三弦 声学测试

领  域: [建筑科学]




作者 张勇
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