机构地区: 天津工业大学
出 处: 《山东纺织经济》 2009年第6期11-13,共3页
摘 要: 美次贷危机对全球金融产生了像海啸样的打击,对像我国纺织这样高度依赖出口的行业产生了很大的影响。本文将论述次贷危机对我国纺织行业五方面的影响。危机虽已开始放缓,更重要的是做一个总结,以便能促进我国纺织业的长期健康发展。 The secondary loan crisis from America has attacked financial system of the world like the tsunami, and has affected the entity economy. It has made tremendous influence on the textile of our country depending on the exportation seriously. This article elaborates the influences that the secondary loan crisis has made on the textile of our country at five aspects, and discusses the omni-directional countermeasures which we should adopt.
领 域: [经济管理]