机构地区: 邵阳学院中文系
出 处: 《邵阳学院学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第5期54-56,共3页
摘 要: 文章首先概述洞口方言,然后阐述了洞口山门片的语音特点,最后从音义文献三方面结合考释了该片方言的部分本字,从本字考证可以看出山门片赣语的显著特色,同时也具有和湘语混合的色彩。 To begin with a summary of the Dongkou dialect and followed by the expounding of the phonological characteristics of Dongkou Shanmen dialect,this article has investigated some original words of Shanmen dialect from three aspects of pronunciation,meaning and document.It shows that the Shanmen dialect has both the prominent features of Gan dialect and the color of its mixing with Xiang dialect.
领 域: [语言文字]