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The Tremble of "Life" in the Blood Consciousness——A Comparative study of D. H. Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s lover and Jia Pingwa’s The Regret of Bride Carrier

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 深圳大学外国语学院

出  处: 《世界文学评论(长江文艺出版社)》 2009年第2期160-162,共3页

摘  要: 纵观20世纪中西文坛,大多数作家都以作为自然的人,通过自然本性中两性关系的描写来探索人生本能,寻求对生命的思考。英国的劳伦斯与中国的贾平凹便是通过以性意识为焦点透视社会人生的。尽管来自不同的国家,生活在不同的时期,但从两位作家作品中所反映的社会现实和人们的精神面貌,可以找出东西方社会中某些相似的文化情结。本文在探求贾平凹与劳伦斯小说中生命意识之相似性的同时,也力求揭示小说中潜藏在相似性之下的不同民族深层次的宗教和哲学思想。 For D. H Lawrence, the publishing of the Lady plicit descriptions of sexual acts and author' s frankness in Chatterley's Lover has stunned people with very exdescribing sexual relations between men and women upset a great many people. In the novel written by Jia Pingwa, no matter the legendary stories written in 1980s, or the latest novel involving the life of people in the city, the explicit and repetitive descriptions of sexual acts in the novels are unequalled in the history of modem Chinese literature. For both of them, beneath the concerns on the fulfillment of the human consciousness, the concerns on the role of sex in people' s life, there is some mysterious motive force in their life which drive the two writers to protest against a world dominated by the reason and social morals, and to make an attempt to create a new world in which the basic meaning of life would be realized, and that mysterious force is the deep-rooted beliefs in the blood consciousness.

关 键 词: 生命意识 两性关系 文化情结

领  域: [文学] [文化科学] [文化科学] [文化科学]


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机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 中山大学
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机构 暨南大学文学院


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