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Pattern analysis of mountain altitudinal belts in the Upper Yangtze River

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室

出  处: 《地理研究》 2009年第6期1633-1643,共11页

摘  要: 长江上游包括青藏高原东南部、秦巴山地、四川盆地与云贵高原部分地区,在地理、地貌、气候、生物多样性方面都表现得极为复杂和丰富多彩,在世界山地中也占有举足轻重的位置。特别是复杂多样的山地垂直带谱更是欧亚大陆乃至世界山地垂直带研究中至关重要的组成部分。在地学信息图谱和数字山地垂直带体系的基础上,本文系统地收集和分析了长江上游共50个山地垂直带谱所体现的空间规律,河源区、横断山区、秦巴山区及贵州高原的垂直带谱类型多样并各具特色,且在经度和纬度方向又具有统一的分布规律,如雪线、林线、针叶林及阔叶林等的分布界线变化规律比较符合二次曲线规律,验证了大陆尺度上山地垂直带二次曲线模式假说。另外,山地垂直带分布规律又具有尺度效应,中小尺度上地形的影响作用表现得极为显著。 Mountains in the Upper Yangtze River are characterized by marked variations in climate, landforms, biodiversity, and they occupy a prominent position in the study of global mountains. Diversiform mountain altitudinal belts (MABs) in this region are especially significant in the Eurasia and even in the world. To validate and refine the Quadratic Model for MABs, on the basis of digital mountain altitudinal belts (MABs) classification system, this paper collected and analyzed 50 typical altitudinal belt spectra in the Upper Yangtze River. MABs show quite different characteristics from the head-water source region, to the Hengduan Range, Qinling-Daba mountains and to the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. The structures of MABs in the head-water source region are very simple and normally they have 3 to 4 MABs, and there are no forest belts in this region. However, the structures in the Hengduan Range are very complex and the number of the belts ranges from 4 -5 to 7-8. Forest belts especially coniferous belts are dominant in this region. Another characteristic of MABs in this region is that arid valley shrub belts below the base belt are very common; the structures of MABs in the Qinling-Daba mountains and the Guizhou Plateau are relatively simple and forest belts are also dominant. The height of the snowline is closely related to longitude and latitude and it drops firstly and then rises along longitude when moving eastwards in this region. Similarly, the snowline rises along latitude when moving northwards. The height of forest line drops along longitude or latitude when moving eastwards or northwards respectively. Spatial analysis of snowline, forest line, coniferous forest and broad-leaved forest also shows that the linear model or quadratic model could quantitatively describe the relation between the height and latitude or longitude of MABs; at the meantime, the models have scale effects, that is to say, on the middle or small scale, the influence of landform is marked and needs to be studied in the future.

关 键 词: 垂直带 长江上游 数字分析 尺度效应

领  域: [天文地球] [环境科学与工程]




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