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Desertification and Strategic Policies in the Alxa Region of Inner Mongolia

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所

出  处: 《干旱区研究》 2009年第4期453-459,共7页

摘  要: 阿拉善高原地处内蒙古西部,与新疆、甘肃和宁夏交界,50年来发生了严重的生态退化,已经成为我国最主要的沙尘源区之一。我国东部特别是华北地区发生的沙尘(暴)天气,70%以上与该区的生态状况有关。沙尘(暴)现象不但影响我国2.00×10~6km^2以上区域人民的生产、生活、健康、财产甚至生命,而且还影响到朝鲜半岛、日本甚至北美地区。阿拉善的生态退化问题需要一个整体的解决方案。建议中央政府高度关注阿拉善地区重要的生态战略地位,考虑设立"阿拉善国家生态战略保护区",给予该区特殊的政策和支持,从根本上协调阿拉善地区生态与社会发展的关系,从源头上缓解或削减沙尘(暴)形成的社会和自然条件,并为整个西部生态和环境建设探索出一套新的体制和模式,促进和保障国家生态安全。 In recent 50 years,serious ecological degradation has occurred in the Alxa Plateau of western Inner Mongolia.Bordering on Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,Gansu Province and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the Alxa region has become one of the main sand-source fields of sandstorm in China.The occurrence of more than 70%dust weather and sandstorm in east China is related to this area.Disastrous dust weather and sandstorm negatively impact local people's economic production,living conditions,health and even life in the regions larger than 2.0×106 km2 in northern and eastern China,especially the North China Plain.The dust is blown eastwards to the Korean Peninsula and even across the Pacific to North America.An integrated scheme for controlling the ecological degradation in the Alxa region should be developed at the national level.It is suggested to the central government to pay great attention to the ecological significance of the Alxa region,to delimit the Alxa region as a national eco...更多logical strategic nature reserve and give special policies and support to this region so as to fundamentally coordinate the relationship between ecological rehabilitation and social and economic development,to improve the social and natural conditions by reducing sandstorm from the sand-source fields,to develop a series of new systems and models for ecological and environmental conservation,and to promote and guarantee the national ecological security in China.

关 键 词: 荒漠化 沙尘暴源区 生态退化 阿拉善 内蒙古

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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