机构地区: 广州天赐有机硅科技有限公司广州510760
出 处: 《农药》 2009年第11期808-810,共3页
摘 要: 研究了加有机硅超润湿剂的农药杀虫和保叶作用。有机硅超润湿剂最佳添加量为0.1%,使40%毒死蜱EC对稻纵卷叶螟的杀虫效果提高了67%(1d)和100%(7d),保叶效果提高了67%;在保持相同的杀虫和保叶效果前提下,可以减少50%的农药用量和45%的喷液量。 The effects of insect disinfestation and leaf protection of silicone supperwetting agent TC-2011 was studied. At the optimal dose 0.1%,effect of insect disinfestation of chlorpyrifos 40% EC was improved by 67%(1 d) and 100%(7 d),as well as effect of leaf protection was improved by 67%. Having the same effects of insect disinfestation and leaf protection,dosage of chlorpyrifos was reduced by 50% and that of water was reduced by 45%.
领 域: [化学工程]