机构地区: 南京市城市规划编制研究中心
出 处: 《现代城市研究》 2009年第10期33-39,共7页
摘 要: 文章就当前城市规划与建设领域中"社会绩效"缺失的现象,进行一定的剖析和研究,并着重指出研究重大城市规划与建设项目社会影响的重要性。文章归纳出重大城市规划与建设项目的社会影响主要集中在"物质空间环境建设"和"目标人群的益损状况"领域,并对影响领域中土地和空间资源的配置、社会居住隔离状况、开敞空间的共享性以及社会目标人群的益损差别性和原居民权益的保护等方面进行了较为详细的探讨。 The paper analyzes and researches on the lack of "social effect" of urban planning and construction nowadays, and highlighted the importance of research on social influence of important urban planning and construction projects. It concludes that this social influence mainly concentrated on "physical environment construction" and "the loss and win of targeted people", and further exploration was made in various aspects, including the land and space resource distribution in the influenced arena, residents segregation, open space publicity, difference in loss and win for the targeted people, and protection residents' rights.
关 键 词: 社会发展 重大城市规划与建设项目 社会影响领域 社会公平
领 域: [建筑科学]