机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
出 处: 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2009年第5期31-33,60,共4页
摘 要: 在中文片名英译中有一种倾向把动作行为和特征属性名物化,使其成为关系和存在过程,这样能增大影片名词汇信息涵量;另外,通过省略或模糊动作施事者可以使动作行为概念化,增加片名概括性;通过主述位重组可以突出影片主题。在中文片名英译过程中适当考虑名物化隐喻的应用,有助于译文在中英之间折冲樽俎,将无曲不达的中文西而化之。 In the English translation of Chinese film titles there is a tendency toward nominalizing an action or attribute into a relational or existential process, which can enlarge the amount of information contained by the titles of films. Obscuring the agent and conceptualizing the action can make titles of films more conceptualized. The theme of films can be foregrounded through reorganizing the theme and rheme. Therefore a proper application of nominalization to the C-E film title translation can convey meaning more adequately and effectively.
领 域: [语言文字]