机构地区: 中山大学工学院智能交通研究中心
出 处: 《交通标准化》 2009年第21期196-200,共5页
摘 要: 通过收集广州市水上巴士客流量数据并对乘客进行问卷调查,分析乘客出行次数、时空分布、出行目的、换乘方式和服务反馈等,探讨广州市水上巴士乘客出行的特征及成因,针对水上巴士乘客出行频率低、出行观念多元化和对水上客运服务质量有新要求等问题,提出提高服务质量、合理调整路线、做好宣传工作并寻求多元化经营方式等建议,对于完善"立体化"城市交通体系具有积极的意义。 Based on the statistical data of passenger flow and field survey results of Guangzhou water bus, the passengers' trip characteristics such as average number of trips, time and space distribution, objectives, transfer mode and feedback of service, etc. are analyzed, and the causes of those characteristics are discussed in detail. Suggestions such as improvement of service quality, rational route adjustment, diversification of operation and active propagandizing are proposed for the sustainable development of Guangzhou water bus in allusion to the low trip frequency, diversification of trip concept, new demand on service quality of water bus and other problems. It has positive meaning to the improvement of tridimensional traffic system.