机构地区: 五邑大学
出 处: 《大学物理实验》 2009年第3期64-67,共4页
摘 要: 设计了一种简便的能自动适应不同背景光强的新型迈克尔逊干涉仪条纹计数器。利用光敏电阻将条纹的变化转化为电信号,同时检测出背景光,并利用减法器去掉背景,经施密特触发器整形后,送入单片机计数并显示。实验证明,本计数器原理简单,可以适应不同的背景光强,具有精确度高、操作简便可靠等优点。 A novel counter for fringes of Michelson interferometer is designed,which can adapt automatically to different degress of illumination intensity of background.A photosensitive resistance transforms the changes of fringes into electric signal,The illumination noise of background are detected by another photosensitive resistance at the same time.A square-wave is got by the subtractor.the amplifier and the Schmitt trigger.A single chip microcomputer is used to be a counter.The result is shown this counter can be used in circumstances of different illumination intensity of background and lamp- house. The counter has many advantages, such as high accuracy, easy operation and wide adaptability.
领 域: [理学]