机构地区: 西南政法大学
出 处: 《攀枝花学院学报》 2009年第5期15-19,共5页
摘 要: 从规范层面分析,新《律师法》的施行将使职务犯罪侦、诉部门丧失以往的证据优势。如何理性应对新《律师法》给职务犯罪侦查、公诉带来的挑战,笔者主张应当在侦查取证中强化"公诉引导"的理念,并在加强公诉对初查的引导、完善侦查讯问同步录音录像、建立预先审查证据制度三方面提出一些具体建议。 In terms of the regulations, the implementation of the new Law, of Lawyers will deprive the investigators and prosecutors, who fight against crimes relating to official functions, of their predominance in evidence. In response to the challenges caused by the new act, the authors advocate the establishment of a prosecuting- oriented mode of investigation. In this paper, the authors elaborate further details of the argumentation in three parts: firsdy, reinforcing the prosecuting guidance to the preliminary investigation; secondly, improving of the contemporary audio recording interviews; and thirdly, creating a systematic review of evidence in the investigation.