机构地区: 中国科学院研究生院
出 处: 《系统工程理论与实践》 2009年第10期35-44,共10页
摘 要: 首先对多区域CGE模型进行了界定,并对多区域CGE模型的相关研究进行了回顾.其次,运用中国区域间投入产出表建立了一个静态八个区域CGE模型.在模型中不仅反映了各区域之间的经济规模和产业结构的差异,更主要的是依据相关实证研究的结果刻画出区域间的主要经济联系——区域间的商品流动、劳动力流动和资金流动.最后,使用该模型模拟了区域差异和关键的区域联系的设定对结果的影响,以便说明区域差异和区域联系的刻画对政策分析的重要性. This paper firstly studies the nature of multi-regional CGE models and reviews relevant studies in such models. The paper also constructs a static eight-region CGE model using an interregional inputoutput table for China. The model reflects the sizes of economies and differences in industrial structures across regions. More importantly, based on related empirical research, the model characterizes the main economic relations across regions, such as interregional commodity flow, labor flow and capital flow. Finally, some simulations are carried out to reveal the important effect that comes from the regional differences and linkages. The results shows the specifications of the regional differences and key linkages have significant influences on policy analysis.
领 域: [经济管理]