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Preliminary Study on Serum Pharmacochemistry of Andrographis Paniculata in Chickens

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学兽医学院

出  处: 《中国农业科学》 2009年第9期3320-3327,共8页

摘  要: 【目的】对穿心莲在鸡中血清药物化学进行初步研究。【方法】在建立穿心莲超微粉高效液相色谱-质谱指纹分析方法的基础上,分析比较空白对照鸡血清、给药后所得鸡血清样品指纹图谱,鉴定内服穿心莲超微粉血中移行成分、来源及其代谢产物。【结果】鸡内服给药后,在60min时,有9个组分在血中出现;其中有4个主要成分来源于原药并在给药后0~480min内维持较高浓度,其余的组分可能是代谢产物。【结论】血中移行成分及代谢产物将成为穿心莲的体内作用基础,对其血清药物化学深入研究将为穿心莲活性成分的进一步研究奠定基础。 Objective To study the serum pharmacochemistry of Andrographis paniculata in chickens firstly.Method Based on the established HPLC-MS fingerprints of Andrographis paniculata ultra-fine powder,analysis and comparison were carried out among the HPLC-MS profiles of chicken serum samples obtained after oral administration and control serum,and then the compounds absorbed into blood,their original crude drugs and their metabolites were identified.Result Nine components were found in chicken serum after oral administration at 60 min, the four compounds of them ,the main ingredients, were originated from Andrographis paniculata and their higher level of serum consentrations maintained from 0-480 min; other compounds should be metabolites. [ Conclusion ] The compounds are absorbed into blood and their metabolites would be the effective constituents and their serum pharmacochemistry should be subject to complete investigation so as to lay a foundation for the further study of active ingredients of Andrographis paniculata.

关 键 词: 穿心莲 超微粉 高效液相色谱 质谱 血清药物化学

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学] [化学工程]




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