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Inhibitory Control of Behavior in Internet Addicts

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理学系

出  处: 《中国心理卫生杂志》 2009年第10期752-756,共5页

摘  要: 目的:研究网络成瘾者的行为抑制能力。方法:采用停止信号任务,用3(受试类型)×3(靶刺激与停止信号延迟的时间间隔SSD:250ms、500ms和750ms)混合设计,比较重度网络成瘾者(N=11)、中度成瘾者(N=15)和非成瘾者(N=15)行为抑制能力的差异。结果:(1)在停止信号任务中,受试类型在500ms和750ms水平上错误率差异有统计学意义,重度成瘾组得分最高[(44.55±37.91)vs.(73.41±30.42)],中度成瘾组次之[(8.67±16.55)vs.(18.33±26.38)],非成瘾组最低[(4.50±15.39)vs.(6.33±15.20)];在250ms水平上,受试类型错误率边缘显著,重度成瘾组(27.96±39.11)高于中度成瘾组(1.50±3.51)和非成瘾组(3.50±11.53)。重度成瘾组在750ms水平上错误率均高于250ms和500ms水平上;中度成瘾组在750ms水平上错误率高于250ms水平上;非成瘾组在3个SSD水平上的错误率差异无统计学意义。(2)在无停止信号任务中,重度成瘾组的反应时最短(136.01±123.73)ms,中度成瘾组次之(356.09±177.09)ms,非成瘾组最长(495.88±197.74)ms,(P<0.001)。结论:网络成瘾与个体的行为抑制能力有关,行为抑制能力较低的个体可能更容易导致网络成瘾。 Objective: To investigate motor inhibition in individuals with internet addiction disorder (IAD ) . Method: Using stop-signal paradigm, 3 (subject type) ×3 [SSD (stop signal delay) : 250, 500 and 750 ms] mixed design the differences of motor inhibition were compared among IAD group, moderate IAD group, and nonaddiction group. Results: ( 1 ) In the stop signal paradigm, the simple effect of subject type was significant in the error reaction rates both in 500 ms and 750 ms. The scores were the highest in IAD group [ 500 ms: ( 44. 55 ± 37.91 ) ; 750 ms: ( 73.41± 30. 42 ) ], then in moderate LAD group [ 500 ms: (8. 67±16. 55 ) ; 750 ms: ( 18. 33 ±26. 38} ], and the lowest in non-addiction group [500 ms: (4. 50 ± 15.39) ; 750 ms (6. 33± 15. 201 ] . The simple effect of addiction types was marginally significant in 250 ms. The IAD group ( 27.96± 39. 11 ) scored higher than moderate IAD group ( 1.50 ±3.51 ) and non-addiction group ( 3.50 ± 11.53 ) and there was no significance effect between moderate IAD and non-addiction groups. The simple effect of SSD for non-addicted group was not significant. The error reaction rates of moderate IAD group in 750 ms was significantly higher than that in 250 ms. For IAD group, there were significant differences between 250 ms and 750 ms, and the significant differences were marginal between 500 ms and 750 ms, but no significant differences between 250 ms and 500 ms. ( 2 ) In the no-stop signal paradigm, the go reaction time ( go RT) was the shortest in IAD group ( 136. 01± 123.73 ), then in the moderate IAD group (356.09± 177.09 ), and the longest in the non-addiction group ( 495. 88± 197.74 )( P 〈0. 01) . Conclusion: Intemet Addiction is related to ones motor inhibition. The person who is low in motor inhibition may easily lead to internet addiction.

关 键 词: 网络成瘾 停止信号任务 行为抑制能力 混合设计

领  域: [经济管理] [社会学] [哲学宗教]


作者 陈晓曦
作者 吴传毓
作者 苏少冰
作者 任许文
作者 林坤彪


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理应用研究中心
机构 广东白云学院计算机系
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理学系
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 张汉生
作者 刘志光
作者 张鹤鸣
作者 吴芸
作者 骆秀丽