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Control Effects of Four Nematicides on Burrowing Nematode of Anthurium andraeanum

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学资源环境学院植物检疫线虫检测与防疫研究中心

出  处: 《华中农业大学学报》 2009年第5期551-555,共5页

摘  要: 通过盆栽试验,测定了杀线虫剂克线磷、福气多、涕灭威、卡线特对红掌相似穿孔线虫病的防治效果。结果表明:红掌在被相似穿孔线虫侵染前或侵染后,在根际土壤中施用供试药剂,均能有效防止病害的发生,且在侵染前用药防治效果更好;每盆施用克线磷1.2 g、福气多1.5 g和涕灭威0.9 g,不仅能有效地杀灭红掌根和根际介质中的相似穿孔线虫,且能将病级控制在1以下;在红掌被相似穿孔线虫侵染发病的情况下,施用上述药剂虽然也能有效地杀灭线虫,但因施药前红掌根部被线虫侵染而严重腐烂,故对植株病情的恢复效果较差;卡线特对红掌有药害,不宜用于红掌相似穿孔线虫病的防治。 The control effects of four nematicides against burrowing nematodes Radopholus sirnilis on Anthurium andraeanurn were tested by pot experiments. The results indicated that all the nematicides showed certain efficacy against burrowing nematode on anthurium in the pots, no matter used before or after the invasion. However, the efficacy of the nematicides used before the invasion is better than that of the later. Among the tested nematicides, Nemacur(10%GR) 1.2 g per pot; Fosthiazate(10%GR) 1.5 g per pot; Temik(lg%GR) 0. 9 g per pot provided good control effects and keep the disease index level under the level 1. The efficacy of the nematieides used after the invasion is insignificant. Since it causes the plant hazard,Macop(5%GR) is not commended.

关 键 词: 红掌 相似穿孔线虫 杀线虫剂 化学防治

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学]




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