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Evaluation of climate comfort index for tourism hot-spot cities in West China

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院

出  处: 《干旱区地理》 2009年第5期791-797,共7页

摘  要: 在温湿指数、风寒指数和着衣指数测定的基础上,构建了一个新的综合气候舒适度评价模型,分析计算了我国西部11个热点城市旅游气候舒适度,划分出适宜于旅游的季节分布,并对旅游气候舒适度的南北差异进行比较。依据舒适期的年内分布划分为3种类型:夏适型包括乌鲁木齐等5个城市,年内气候舒适度呈倒"U"形变化,不舒适期较长;春秋适宜型包括成都等5个城市,无不舒适期,气候舒适度呈"M"形变化;冬适型为南宁市,全年无不舒适期,气候舒适度呈"U"字形变化。夏季气候舒适度指数随纬度升高而增大,北方旅游具有更高的气候舒适性;冬季气候舒适度随纬度降低而升高,南方旅游具有更高的气候舒适性。年综合气候舒适指数随纬度的降低呈上升趋势,说明南方具有更长的旅游气候舒适期,这是造成我国南北旅游业发展差异的重要因素。 A new comprehensive comfort index is founded based on assignment of THI, WCI and ICL. This new in- dex has some peculiarity like comparable,plus able and so on. The climate comfortable degree of 11 cities in west China is analyzed by the new index, and the grades of fitness and its timely distribution are divided. The North - South variation of climate comfortable degree is analyzed. The 11 cities are divided into three types based on the dis- tribution of comfortable period of a year. The kind of summer fitness includes Wulumuqi, Huhehaote, Yinehuan, Xin- ing and Lasa, the best period for tourism is form May to September, the period of uncomfortable is quite long, and the variation of comprehensive comfort index is like an inverted" U" . The kind of Spring and Autumn fitness in- eludes Chengdu, Chongqing, Guiyang, Guilin, Kunming five cities, the comfortable period is form March to May and September to October, there is no uncomfortable period, the variation of comprehensive comfort index is like"M". The kind of winter fitness only includes Nanning, it is located in the tropics, the comfortable period is form January to April and November to December, the fairly uncomfortable period is form May to September, there is no uncom- fortable period, and the variation of comprehensive comfort index is like a wide"U". The annual comprehensive comfort index goes up as the latitude reduces, but this trend is undulate due to the altitude. In summer the compre- hensive comfort index goes up as the latitude increase. This shows that the north has a more comfort climate. In win- ter the comprehensive comfort index goes up as the latitude reduces. This shows that the south has a more comfort climate. The annual comprehensive comfort index goes up as the latitude reduces. It shows that the south has a lon- ger comfort climate for tourism. This is one of the factors due to the differences in tourism between north and south.

关 键 词: 气候舒适度 温湿指数 综合舒适指数 南北差异

领  域: [天文地球]




作者 徐锦堂
作者 张祖荣
作者 曲进
作者 黄霓
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