作 者: ;
机构地区: 深圳大学国学研究所
出 处: 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2009年第5期23-27,共5页
摘 要: "大礼议"是在明代嘉靖朝发生的、围绕着世宗生父兴献王朱祐杬尊号问题而展开的一场政治论争,是明代政治史、思想史上的一个重要事件。在"大礼议"中,湛若水站在杨廷和等人这一边,反对嘉靖皇帝追尊其父兴献王、反对嘉靖皇帝在奉先殿侧建庙以祀兴献帝。后来,在"郊祭礼"等问题上,湛若水亦与嘉靖皇帝意见相左。作为一个思想家、一个被人理解为处于心学与理学之间的思想家,湛若水企图用自己的思想、用传统的礼制观念来影响嘉靖皇帝、影响当时的政治,他的愿望最终落空。 The incident of "Grand Ceremony" which originated in Emperor Jiajing's reign of the Ming Dynasty was a political debate on the issue of the title emperor of Shi-zong's father-ZHU You-yuan. It is a very important incident in the political and ideological history of the Ming Dynasty. In this incident, ZHAN Ruo-shui sided with YANG Ting-he and his followers, opposed Emperor Jiajing's posthumous conference of the title Emperor on his father Gong Ruixian and the erecting of a temple beside the ancestral temple. Later on the issue of "Sacrificial Rites", ZHAN also disagreed with Emperor Jiajing. As a thinker who is regarded as one midway between Idealist and Neo-Confuscianist, ZHAN attempted to influence Emperor Jiajing and the politics of his time, however his efforts ended in vain.
领 域: [哲学宗教]