机构地区: 孝感学院城市建设学院
出 处: 《混凝土》 2009年第9期72-74,共3页
摘 要: 将自密实混凝土技术与钢纤维混凝土技术结合起来,研究了自密实钢纤维混凝土配合比方法、施工工艺、力学性能、耐磨耗性能、抗渗性能和抗裂性能等。实践表明:自密实钢纤维混凝土不仅保证了施工质量、提高性能、而且综合效益好。 The self-compacting concrete and steel fiber reinforced concrete technology are combined to study the self-compacting steel fiber reinforced concrete ratio method, construction technology, mechanical properties, wear performance, impermeability and crack resistance and so on. The practice shows that: Since the compacting steel fibers reinforced concrete can not only ensure the construction quality and progress and improve performance,but also own comprehensive benefits, and is welcomed by the construction companyies.
关 键 词: 机场道面 自密实钢纤维混凝土 高性能混凝土 试验研究
领 域: [建筑科学]