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Cosmogenic Nuclides Method Applied to Quaternary Glaciation Dating: Review and Prospect

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 兰州大学资源环境学院西部环境教育部重点实验室

出  处: 《冰川冻土》 2009年第3期501-509,共9页

摘  要: 宇宙成因核素测年技术经过近几十年的发展,在采样程序、样品预处理与实验室分析以及理论等方面都获得了进一步的完善,在第四纪冰川测年中有着材料易取、测年范围宽泛与理论基础成熟等优点,已成为目前第四纪冰川测年的主要手段之一.宇宙成因核素测年的随机误差与系统误差分别为8%与10%,但只要根据一定的采样原则,就可以使得到的最老的漂砾年龄≥冰碛年龄的90%(95%的可能性).各纬度带测年数据与冰芯记录的对比中发现,北半球高纬度和南北半球低纬度地区与冰芯记录的相关性较高,而中纬度地区有一定的相关性,但不强.数据分布的纬度对比中发现,两半球的低纬度地区之间,以及中纬度之间有较好的对应关系,并且最大峰值出现的时间也较一致,但高、中与低纬度之间却存在明显的差异. With the development of cosmogenic nuclides dating method, the processing, preparation and experimental analysis and theory of Quaternary Glaciation samples have been improved greatly. The technique of cosmogenic nuclides dating method has many advantages in Quaternary Glaciation dating, and becomes one of the main dating methods. The random analytic errors (sample preparation, accelerator mass spectrometric measurements) and systematic errors (radionuclide half life, production rate, temporal variation, stable element measurements carrier and standards, fraction, spectrometry, assigned constants) of the dating account for 8 and 10%, respectively, for boul-der age. According to some guidelines, it is possible (with 95% probability) that the determined oldest boulder age will ≥90% of the determined moraine age. As compared with ice core record, it is found that they have a higher correlation in the high-latitudes of northern hemisphere and the low-latitudes of both hemispheres, but have some correlation, not very close, in the mid-latitudes. It is found from dates comparison that there is better corresponding relation between the two hemispherical low-latitudes (and mid-latitudes), with concurrent dates when the but there are not among tudes. maximum peak appeared high, middle and low latitudes.

关 键 词: 宇宙成因核素测年 第四纪冰川 误差 数据对比 异时性

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球] [天文地球]




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