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Grey Relational Degree Analysis on Hybridized Combinations in Maize Regional Trail

作  者: ; ; ; (郑和平); (薛世跃);

机构地区: 河南科技大学农学院

出  处: 《河南科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 2009年第4期68-71,共4页

摘  要: 利用灰色理论对河南省玉米区域试验18份玉米新品种的产量及构成因素进行灰色关联度分析,确定了各品种的综合评判值。结果表明:新品种的优劣顺序为:DX758,隆玉117,滑丰06-3,S608,焦单6号,奥玉3450,HM926,河单19,丰黎7201,郑单958,BN183,NH0417,桥玉6号,天单1号,郑单502,原丰一号,新黄单901,郑单501。依据综合评价结果,选择玉米新品种,达到提高鉴定新品种的效率。 New hybridized combinations in Henan maize regional trail were comprehensively evaluated based on grey relational degree analysis on yield and its related agronomy characters.Comprehensive evaluation index was calculated and new hybridized combinations were ranked as follows:DX758,Longyu 117,Huafeng06-3,S068,Jiaodan-6,Aoyu-3450,HM926,Hedan-19,Feng Li 7201,Zhengdan 958,BN183,NH0417,Qiaoyu-6,Tiandan-1,Zhengdan-502,Yuanfeng-1,Xin Huangdan-901,Zhengdan501.Comprehensive evaluation could improve the selection efficiency and provide a theoretic basis for maize breeding.

关 键 词: 杂交玉米 区域试验 灰色关联度 综合评判

领  域: [农业科学]




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