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Organization of Logistic Network on Firm Level——A Case Study of the South Logistics Enterprises Group

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 西南大学地理科学学院

出  处: 《地理科学》 2009年第4期477-484,共8页

摘  要: 物流网络组织是近代经济地理学和交通地理学关注不多的领域。在全球生产网络理论兴起的今天,基于公司层面的物流网络的组织应成为地理学研究的重要内容,需要借鉴其他学科的相关理论和方法。本文构建了基于战略网络、空间网络和运营网络的物流网络组织的理论框架,以开展对微观层次(尤指公司层面)的物流网络组织的研究和理解,并以南方物流集团为案例,进行了实证分析。研究发现:物流组织的战略网络包括两种,一种是物流公司与客户的合作联盟,一种是物流公司与物流公司之间的合作联盟,战略关系管理是物流公司的重要发展战略;空间网络一般呈现总公司-分公司-办事处的等级结构,空间网络的选址受到市场导向因素、公司经营战略和企业运营成本等因素的影响;运营网络是一个由运输、仓储、报关、配送等多个过程组成的流程,受物流业务外包程度的影响,参与主体对信息的共享是运营网络的一个重要的特征。 The organization of logistics network was a neglected field in terms of both modern economic geography and transport geography. Freight transportation has been dominantly the focus of geographers dealing with maritime, port and rail transport issues. The scholars in China also paid attention to these fields. But in fact the enduring growth in the movements of goods and innovations in the associated networks of logistics and freight distribution represent a dynamic part of economic globalization. The aim of the project is to find the attributes of the logistics network on the firm level in urban China. This study intends to develop a microscopic understanding of the organization of logistics industry in urban China, the new economic giant of the globalizing world. It designs a framework which consists of the strategic network, spatial network and operational network for understanding the firm' s logistic organizations, which are placing the issue of freight distribution as a central concern of human geography, much beyond the traditional focus of transport geography. The framework borrows the theories from the economy science, social science, transportation geography, economic geography and management science.Then it takes the South Logistics Enterprises Group as a study case. The research was carried out through interviewing with managers of the case firm for three times. It is observed that the strategic networks of logistics firms in China cover two types: one is the alliance between logistics firms and their customers, and the other is the alliance between logistics finns with other small or middle-sized traditional logistics firms. The alliances are founded on the base of total trust, which is formulated in the cooperation of long period. The logistics firm takes the key relationship management as the most important task. A spatial network with a hierarchy structure is identifled: headquarter--branch firms--offices. The underlying mechanism can be termed as three types: customersoriented, strategic-o

关 键 词: 物流组织 网络组织 公司层面 南方物流公司

领  域: [历史地理]


作者 崔婷
作者 张建龙
作者 宗会明
作者 喻卫斌
作者 白景坤


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 东莞理工学院


作者 徐佳宁
作者 曾彧
作者 杨卫华
作者 欧阳娟
作者 武小平