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Research on Credibility Model of Newsboy Problem with Discrete Fuzzy Demand

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 青岛大学国际商学院

出  处: 《运筹与管理》 2009年第4期10-15,共6页

摘  要: 基于可信性理论,建立了确定离散模糊需求报童问题订货量的期望成本与利润模型,并与基于可能性理论的质心特征值分析模型进行了比较。数值研究结果表明:1)对应每一模型的最小模糊成本和最大利润的订货量不一致,且模糊期望模型与质心特征值模型确定的订货量不同;2)对应不同订货量,模糊可能性成本、利润之和及期望成本、利润之和均不为固定常数。由于在模糊环境下,与概率测度对应的模糊量描述是可信性测度,所以,相比而言,离散模糊需求报童问题的模糊期望值模型较模糊可能性模型好。 Based on credibility theory, the expected cost and profit models for determining the order quantities of newsboy problem with discrete fuzzy demand are presented, and are compared with a model baaed on centroid eigenvalue of possibility theory. The numerical results show that : 1 ) the corresponding order quantities from minimum fuzzy cost and maximum fuzzy profit are not equal to each other, and the order quantities from fuzzy expected model and centroid eigenvalue model are not equal to each other, neither; 2)with various order quantities, the sum of fuzzy possibility cost and profit and the sum of expected cost and profit are not constant. Because corresponding to probability measure, the description of fuzzy variable in fuzzy sense is credibility measure, the fuzzy expected models of newsboy problem with discrete fuzzy demand are better than fuzzy possibility models.

关 键 词: 库存 报童问题 可能性分布 可信性期望 离散模糊需求

领  域: [理学] [理学]


作者 韩双


机构 广东工业大学管理学院


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