机构地区: 浙江工业大学外国语学院
出 处: 《外语教学》 2009年第5期93-96,共4页
摘 要: 词语翻译转换的内在心理过程及操作特征在我国尚缺乏系统、规模的研究。已有的相关研究较多地集中在对词语翻译的具体策略、认知因素等微观层面,而跨学科的理论应用研究显得较为单薄,且研究成果寥寥无几。有鉴于此,本文作者旨在通过借鉴认知心理学的相关理论(如注意论及其相关模型)来阐释理论应用之跨学科研究的必要性和可行性,并在注意论的认知框架下探索词语翻译的内在转换过程及心理操作特征。 The past few decades have hardly seen any systematic and large - scale study of lexical translation from the cognitive- psychological perspective with noticing theory in particular. The authors in this paper, driven by such status quo, feel the great need to base the study of lexical translation on noticing theory, and have thereupon managed to explore the internal processing model characteristic of the lexical operations in bilingual translation.
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